“Uplifting human dignity since 1992”

Nirjala Bote: A Remarkable Example of How Girls’ Empowerment Programs Can Transform Lives

Nirjala Bote: A Remarkable Example of How Girls’ Empowerment Programs Can Transform Lives

Nirjala Bote, a 17-year-old from Nawalpur, is an inspiring example of how a Girls’ Empowerment Programme can transform the lives of people. Two years ago, Nirjala joined the Programme as a peer educator, despite being shy and hesitant about public speaking or expressing her opinions. Nirjala was very shy and considered herself as an inactive. She would often hesitate or feel uncomfortable in public speaking or expressing her opinions. Nirjala, on the other hand, was determined to improve herself and develop confidence.
Nirjala joined the Programme as a peer educator and began receiving trainings on different topics such as reproductive health, gender equality, and other different trainings. She eventually shared what she had learned with her peers in the community. In the process, her proficiency in giving speeches, putting on events, and interpersonal relations improved greatly.
Importantly, over time, Nirjala’s shyness transformed into something far more impressive courage. Nirjala has grown impressively personally as a result of her experience as a peer educator. Her selection as the chairperson at an event where she spoke with the Honorable Paancha Ram Gurung, Minister of Social Development and Health of the Gandaki Province, and engaged in conversation with him, was a sign of her growing confidence. On top of this, today Nirjala plays an active role in planning activities and gatherings within her neighborhood. Also, she has vastly enlarged her knowledge of how to coordinate and direct teams, banter effectively, and undertake control of situations if needed.
“My experience has broadened my perspective on life. Through the Programme, I have learned about different cultures, lifestyles, and ideas. I have developed an appreciation for diversity and learned how to respect and accept differences. This perspective has helped me become more open-minded and understanding of others,” mentioned Nirjala.
It is clear that with her experience in the Girls’ Empowerment Programme being transformative, Nirjala has accomplished stunningly when it comes to personal growth. Her reticence has dipped while her participation has climbed; her leadership skills are now noteworthy; and her attitude on life has moved firmly in a progressive direction. Most importantly, it is her opinion that programs like Girls’ Empowerment ought to be progressive continuously to promote commitment towards equality and justice in our society of which she herself is sublime proof.

Posted on: Thursday, May 25th, 2023
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